What Your Dinner Plate Should Look Like

We’ve all seen the food pyramid, and we all know that having various foods in our diet is important, but throwing heaping piles on our plate isn’t going to do us a lot of good if we ignore serving sizes. That’s why we have put together an article to explain what portions of each food group you should strive to eat at dinner time. We must get the proper amounts of proteins, vitamins, nutrients, carbohydrates, fats, and water into our system to keep our bodies running smoothly. Let’s look at each one!

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Wine Tasting for Beginners

There are a lot of wine lovers out there who will enjoy the company of wine. However, there is a clear difference between loving wine and having the boldness of going out for wine tasting. Tasting is entirely a whole new level for a lot of individuals. There are often some intimidating reasons why many people have not gone on tasting, and the commonest one is being clueless about what the wine feels like or what comment to pass.

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Design Trends

Life Imitates Art

All beautiful things in life are inspired by the greatest works of art. From wallpaper to your favorite blouse, everything began as a spark in an artist’s mind. Design trends are recycled time and time again, with new twists and improvements through the ages. When making upgrades to your aesthetic, look at art for your inspiration.

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Wine glasses

The Renaissance of Honey Wine

Honey wine or mead has been around for thousands of years, predating both beer and wine. This alcoholic beverage is created by fermenting honey, water, fruits, grains, and hops. In recent years, mead has made an incredible comeback, with meaderies popping up all over the North American continent. Here are a few reasons you should offer mead instead of wind at your next celebration.

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