All beautiful things in life are inspired by the greatest works of art. From wallpaper to your favorite blouse, everything began as a spark in an artist’s mind. Design trends are recycled time and time again, with new twists and improvements through the ages. When making upgrades to your aesthetic, look at art for your inspiration.

Visit The Museum

The curve of a brushstroke, the texture of a mural, the depth of a color can offer fresh inspiration to your own designs. Taking time to enjoy fine art can evoke emotion and shape your outlook on any project.

Pick Up A Book

A masterful writer can make you imagine things you’ve never seen before with startling clarity. Description can awaken your imagination and get your gears turning.

Shuffle Your Playlist

Music can change your mood, change your life and change your mind. Tapping into your favorite music or experiencing new music can stimulate your mind during the creative process.