There are a lot of wine lovers out there who will enjoy the company of wine. However, there is a clear difference between loving wine and having the boldness of going out for wine tasting. Tasting is entirely a whole new level for a lot of individuals. There are often some intimidating reasons why many people have not gone on tasting, and the commonest one is being clueless about what the wine feels like or what comment to pass.

Wine tasting is a fun experience and should be one for you too. It would be best to worry less about what compliments or comments you will make instead of focusing on having fun while tasting new wines.

We have put together some tips that will move you from being a shy wine drinker to one who enjoys the expedition of wine tasting.

Be relaxed

There is a reason for you to be tensed for an evening that you will enjoy. You can start by closing appropriate and comfortable clothing to go out with. This will make you more relaxed with yourself, and you can break off from some of the initial tension by just being comfortable with yourself. Your clothing should include a comfortable pair of shoes, bearing in mind that you will be walking around for a while, so avoid heels and stick to flats.

If it helps you feel more comfortable, you can go along with a group of friends and families. This can make an absolute difference, going for wine tasting with familiar faces.

Plan for it

Wine tasting does not come free; you often have to pay for it. It would help if you planned this by coming up with a budget for the experience. This will prevent you from overspending at the event, and which can ruin the event for you. Plan for the number you would taste at the event and budget enough money for this. It would be best if you came along with enough money to buy your favorite one at the event.

Ask questions

There is no harm in asking questions while at it. The event usually comes with staff or waiters, and you can engage them and seek more information about the wine. They will be happy to discuss this with you, and it adds to your knowledge which you can pass down to someone else at another event.

Use the right technique

Tasting wines have ways you are expected to hold your glass, enhancing your tasting experience. The standard way of holding the glass is by the stem and swirling before drinking. Your nose is also a critical sensory organ when it comes to wine tasting. You should smell before you drink, which will get you more acquainted with the drink.

Avoid getting drunk

Tasting too many wines can get you drunk, and it is recommended that you sip rather than swallow it all at once. Another way you can avoid getting drunk is by spitting out after each round of tasting, it is often acceptable, and there are provisions for that.


In summary, either you get it right or not. Remember to have fun, you are paying for the experience, and it should be of value to you.